Tuesday, December 6, 2011

St. Nick

St. Nick came to our house last night and brought a SPECIAL surprise!!!

We now have our OWN ELF...that reports to Santa!!!!

It has already been a wonderful day with our own personal elf - DOODLE ELF - named by the girls!

He was found in the girls bathroom when Kelly got home from school today. Kelly and Molly have both already talked to our Elf...it is so cute to see the magic of Christmas through the eyes of a 5 and 3 year old!!!

We're excited to watch the Elf on the Shelf show this Friday night on CBS....I highly suggest it!
St. Nick came....with presents in the stockings and our new Elf on the Shelf Book!
Kelly looking in her stocking.....at 5:55am!
(She woke up at 1am AND 4am....and we made her go back to bed!!!!)
Molly looking through her stocking at a more normal 7:30am!!!

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