Monday, December 5, 2011


How do you explain to a newly turned 3 year old that she can't start school until the beginning of the school year!?!?!

Kelly gave Molly a Dora backpack for her birthday. Molly commented, almost daily, since the beginning of the school year that SHE wanted a Dora backpack!!! She always said SHE wanted to go to school too....and we told her she had to be THREE.

Well.....that was my first mistake!!!!

She thinks that since she is 3 now, she should go to school with Kelly....NOW!

So, we tried to explain to her that Kelly had to be in first grade and she could go to 3 year old preschool....and that Kelly had to finish Kindergarten before she would go to first grade.

Well.....that was my second mistake!!!!

Here is my conversation with Molly today....

Molly - Mom, my want to go to school today.
Me - Ok, we can play school.
Molly - No MOM....I want to go to Kelly's school
Me - You can go to Kelly's school next year
Molly - But MY THREE now!
Me - I know honey, but you have to start at the beginning of the school year
Molly - But Kelly in first grade now....
Me - No, Kelly is in Kindergarten
Molly - NO MOM...Kelly is in first grade and I get to go to school now!
Me - I'm sorry honey...I know you want to go to Kelly's school but you have to wait a little longer
Molly - CRIES!!!

I feel terrible!!!
Here is Molly playing school in our room this morning....she has wore her backpack ALL day and won't take it off!
Working hard at pretend school!!!

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