Friday, May 31, 2013

Kelly's last day of First Grade

Today was Kelly's last day of first grade.  She has learned so much this school just amazes me how much they learn every year!

She started off the year with Mrs. Reuter.....but she had a baby on Good the last two months her class has had a long term sub, Mrs. Sheston.
 Kelly and Mrs. Sheston on her last day of first grade!
Kelly and some of her first grade friends!
(Sophia, Ellie, Courtney, Kelly, Maria, Savanna)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Molly's last day of 3 year old preschool

Today was Molly's last day of 3 year old preschool.  She has grown SO MUCH this school year.  She cried the first month and a half when I dropped her off in her classroom.  When she would see me in the hallway at school she would run up to me and give me a hug....and not want to let go.  At her first parent-teacher conferences her teacher said she was a great listener and was very smart and advanced for her age.....but she never talked or raised her hand or shared any ideas.  She made one really good friend right away at the beginning of the school year.....and when she didn't get to sit by her at circle time or lunch, she would be very sad.

By the end of this school year, she has really come out of her shell.  She is very comfortable at school, with her teachers, and her classmates.  She has a few little girls she talks about.....but her best friend is still Paige from the beginning of the year.  When she would see me in the hallway she would say "Hi Mom" but stay in her line and just wave.  She shared more and more throughout the school year.  She really thought about what she would bring for show and try to stump the other kids so they couldn't guess what was in the bag.  She learned all her uppercase letters this school year and all but four lowercase letters by sight.  She can read some sight words that were posted around the room too.

These two days a week of full day preschool this school year have been the BEST thing for Molly.  She will go four full days of preschool next the 4 year old program. 
Molly with her fun kite from her teacher, Mrs. Schlueter

Kids computer

Memorial Day Weekend this year was a rainy, cold, yucky weather weekend!!!!  We had a lot of projects to do around the house....and one of Brian's was to set up a kids computer.  Kelly has been wanting to play games on our computer more and more this school year.  She is continuing to learn things in technology class and on the mobile lab and she is always bringing websites, ideas, etc. home from school.  When Molly goes to the Dyesville library for storytime...all she wants to do after storytime is play on the computers.  Brian built a computer out of old parts he already had at home.  He got an old flat screen monitor at work for free too.  The only thing we bought was a wireless mouse.  The computer is set up to only play the kids websites that are set on the desktop as icons.  The girls just LOVE IT!!!  Here they are before school.....all dressed, hair done, shoes on, and breakfast eaten by they can go on the computer!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kelly's FIRST Art Show

Kelly has one of her art pieces from school displayed at the Dyersville library for the Xavier Art Show.  The art is displayed for two weeks at the library.  She was so excited and proud!!!  They had a reception for all the artists at the library tonight.  There were 70 students with art displayed in grades K-6.  She was one of 7 first graders.
 Kelly with her fish art piece
 An excited girl!
Kelly with her art teacher, Ms. Recker

Monday, May 20, 2013


Kelly moved up to Dyersville Softball this year.  The last two years she has played Co-ed T-Ball in Dyersville (for those who just completed Preschool & Kindergarten).  She moved up to girls only softball for the girls who just completed first and second grade.  She is the youngest girl on the team of 11....but she is doing GREAT and HAVING FUN!  We really questioned her wanting to play she didn't love T-Ball at the end of last season.  She was adamant on playing......and is loving it so far...and it ends up she has a lot of close friends on her team....which I'm sure helps!  She is doing great with hitting....and doing well fielding the ball too!  She has played a variety of positions so far....first base, right next to pitcher, outfield, and even catcher.  She doesn't have a favorite yet.

Kelly's softball picture
 Ready to hit....

 ....a good hit!  Way to go Kelly!
 Scoring a run!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Camping at Jellystone!

We enjoyed a wonderful weekend camping at Jellystone Park in Bagley, WI with the Salow family.  The weather was PERFECT...not too hot, not too cold....just right!  The girls had a blast!  We love camping at Jellystone because we never hear "I'm bored!"  Between jumping things, swimming, crafts, seeing the bears, pedal carts, mini golf, riding bikes, going to the ranger station, more activities, smores, and evening cartoons at dark......the kids just LOVE IT!!!!  This was our first camping weekend there with friends....and it was so much fun!  It was "wake up the bears weekend" we had to make a lot of noise to wake the bears up from hibernation!  The girls thought was was so cool!  We walked up to the cabin where the bears were "sleeping" for the winter!  Too fun!  Kelly and Molly have already asked if we can go to the wake up the bears weekend next year too.  This year was perfect.....the Friday ended up being a teacher in-service we left in the morning and were set up by lunch time!  It was the best camping trip so far for our family!!!
 While we were setting up the campers and getting ready for lunch....the girls were blowing bubbles for Natalie!
 Natalie stuck right by was adorable!
 Kelly's big bubble!
 Molly was proud to catch a bubble on her wand
 They moved to blowing bubbles in a big container with straws....
 They added this inflatable slide this to the jumping pillow.  It was a BIG HIT with the kids!

 Craig & Logan picked the girls up in the pedal cart for a ride around the park.....
 ....then the girls went by themselves!
Kelly roasting marshmallows for Smores!
 Logan & Kelly played A LOT of mini-golf!!!!
 This was right after Kelly got a HOLE IN ONE!!!  She was jumping up and down!!!!
 Kelly is a pretty good mini-golf player!
 Waking up the Bears on Saturday morning!!!!  Yogi and Boo-Boo came out of this cabin we walked to up a little further in the woods.
 Kelly is hugging Boo-Boo and Molly is hugging Yogi
 Molly, Lexi, and Kelly
 Wagon ride with BOTH Yogi & Boo-Boo.  We were on the first wagon ride and the only one with both Bears.  The girls thought that was really neat!
 Boo Boo giving high fives to the girls!
 Yogi SAT on Kelly's lap.....look at the smiles/giggles from Lexi & Molly!
 Molly in the didn't last too long as the pool was just filled two days before we came....and it was cold!
 Kelly lasted the longest....but only about an hour!
 So they decided to spray the deck with water squirters instead!!!

 This is also one of my favorite pictures of the weekend......when Cindy Bear came out!!!!  These 3 girls are SO EXCITED!  We went to Jellystone once last year, but Cindy Bear wasn't there.  Molly was especially excited!!!!
 Molly was the FIRST ONE to give her a hug!!!!
 Kelly hugging Cindy Bear!
 Craft time with Cindy Bear!
 The girls with Cindy Bear!

 Silly girls!
 This was the first time the 3 girls sang there song to Yogi.....the Yogi Bear song they learned in Girl Scouts this year!
 Quick picture on the slide!

 Ranger Smith was there this weekend too!!!!
 All 5 kids!
 Right before we left, they sang the song one more time for Yogi and Cindy together......they HUGGED each other during part of the song....the kids LOVED IT!!!!
 The end of the song!
One last game of mini-golf before heading home.  It was a wonderful camping experience, with lots of memories at Jellystone!!!