Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We celebrated Easter at our house on Sunday. The girls woke up (one earlier than the other - KELLY) to find the easter bunny came! They were both excited to find their basket filled with goodies! After breakfast we headed to church for a service where BOTH girls were actually PRETTY GOOD!!! Amazing! We came back to our house where our meal was already cooking. We had a big group this Mom and Michael were here along with ALL of Brian's family....and I literally mean almost ALL of them! (Although that doesn't amount to a ton of people, it was nice having Brian's aunts with us along with his brother and girlfriend that we got to meet for the first time!) We had a nice meal followed by an easter egg hunt for the two girls. We were even able to play a couple games of scattergories with the entire group too! A fun- filled easter day at the Snyder house!

Kelly & Molly made sure the carrots were set out for the easter bunny!
The Easter Bunny filled two special little girls baskets!
Kelly all smiles with her basket!
( is STILL DARK outside!!! This is at 6am....she woke up at 5:15am, but we told her she had to go back to bed. She stayed in her room until she saw a "6" on her clock first (she is getting too smart in preschool)...and came back into our room. She NEVER fell back asleep! This girl doesn't sleep in the mornings! This is the only picture I took of I was still kind of out of it and not feeling the greatest!)
Molly looking at her goodies at a more reasonable time.....8am!!! (and it's light out too!) She was so excited to get a "little baby" like her friend Bella.
Molly was also excited to get a Scooby Doo DVD....she loves Scooby!
(Kelly got the Tangled DVD)
The girls after church
The girls with Grandma & Papa Murray
Easter presents from Grandma & Papa Murray
Opening is so much fun!
Molly opened an egg first and found chocolate dipped pretzels....she stopped there and didn't open anything else until she finished her pretzel.
The second thing Molly pulled out of her bag was an Elmo recordable book that SHE LOVES! She looked at it and was mesmerized right away (AND STILL IS!) We hear it over the monitor and is sounds like Grandma and Papa are in our house every night......the batteries might die soon!
Kelly got a Disney Princess recordable book that she loves too!
(Good thing she doesn't have a monitor in her room anymore!)
Both girls LOVE their special personalized books.....and they couldn't be more perfect for them right now....ELMO & DISNEY PRINCESS!
Table # 1
Table # 2
(Kelly made egg shaped place cards for everyone....she was really proud of them as she wrote everyones names and put lots of stickers on them and cut them out in egg shapes too!)
The girls all dressed in comfy clothes ready for the easter egg hunt. While Uncle Dave was hiding eggs they were able to open their presents from Grandma and Papa Snyder.
Molly got a Scooby Doo stuffed animal that she LOVES!
She set him right beside her while she looked at everything else in her bag!!! Too cute!
Kelly pointing and reaching for the purple egg high up in the lilac bush.....Uncle Dave hid it too high!!!!
Kelly getting an egg out of the water drain hose.
Molly reaching for an egg.
Molly wanted Grandma Peggy's help!!!
The girls had a great time finding all the eggs!
Crystal (Uncle Dave's girlfriend) playing with Kelly's new popper game. Kelly LOVES Crystal because she played with her so much all day.....and she's really nice too!
Crystal showing Molly how to play.....and Scooby Doo is close by too!

We hope everyone had a wonderful EASTER!

The only thing that would have made mine not being sick with strep throat! I went to the doctor Monday morning and the rapid strep test came back positive. I'm still on medication....but feeling A LOT BETTER NOW!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!!!!!!

We hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mulgrew Easter Celebration

We celebrated Easter with Grandma and Papa Mulgrew today......and the girls had A LOT of fun! Grandma and Papa had easter eggs hidden for an egg hunt, a bunny cake ready for each family to decorate, and baskets full of goodies! Today was just he beginning to all the candy and treats that are to come!
The kids ready to go on an easter egg hunt!
Molly really got into finding eggs......
....Isabella and Kelly running to eggs they spot!
Molly & Kelly picking up eggs!
After all the eggs were found....the kids sat for one more quick picture!
Molly, Helena, and Kelly with our bunny cake.....before we started decorating. Helena likes to join our family at times! :)
The bunny cake BEFORE.....
....and AFTER!
(The girls had a lot of fun decorating it!!!)
Proud of their own bunny cake!
Easter Baskets!!!!
Digging for all the goodies inside!

Happy Easter!!!!


Kelly has always been a lucky little girl. She seems to win things A LOT! Here she is with her latest big win....a filled Easter basket for winning the Hartig Drug coloring contest for the 5 and under age group. She got a basket filled with:
* A stuffed animal bunny
* Easter Paddle Ball
* Bubbles
* Coloring book
* BIG chocolate bunny
* M&M's egg
* Reese peanut butter egg
* and lots more candy!!!
Kelly with her winning basket before she opened it....and her coloring picture!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Coloring Easter Eggs

Today was the traditional Easter coloring day at our house.....both girls had a lot of fun! We dyed a lot of eggs fun, bright colors....but the hit of the day was the majestic painting/tye-dye type eggs that we colored. Both girls loved swishing the coloring around on the eggs in the plastic bags. All the eggs turned out GREAT!

The beginning of the egg coloring process
Kelly watching her eggs....of course she picked pink and purple FIRST!
Watching closely!
Molly has her eggs in the green and blue containers.
This is pretty much what Molly did....stare at the eggs!
Kelly enjoying coloring the majestic eggs!!!!!!!!
So serious while she swishes around egg in the bag.
Molly had fun with the majestic eggs too!
Our finished products!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend!

Molly's BIG GIRL room

Molly's big girl room is finally done.....or mostly finished!
We still need to find a rug and get a new light (or cute ceiling fan!)
...and we have to paint the window and one more coat on the trim too....but it's pretty darn cute....see for yourself!

Molly has done soooooo incredibly well in her big girl bed!
She loves sitting back in her bed and reading books before she falls's pretty cute!