Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa & Ronald McDonald

We had a busy morning! Santa was at our bank in Dyersville for all the Kids Club members. The girls had their lists ready to give Santa....with ONE addition! (They BOTH want an Elf of there own...that they can touch, and hold, and love all year long! A stuffed animal elf like our Elf on the Shelf. Molly specifically wants one like "Snowflake" and Kelly wants one like "Doodle Elf & Chippy". In other words, Molly wants the girl and Kelly wants the boy elf.) The girls went through their lists with Santa, got a little goody bag from the bank, and a candy cane. They also had cookies, milk, and juice. The girls had a great time...and we're officially ready for Santa in the eyes of my kids. After visiting Santa, we headed to our newly remodeled McDonald's. The play place has been closed for 2 months due to re-modeling. This weekend is the grand Ronald McDonald was their this morning. The girls met Ronald and he gave them pencils and a deck of McDonald's GO FISH cards. We stayed and played for awhile...and the girls even got to play IN the play place with RONALD MCDONALD. They both thought that was pretty cool and are still talking about how FUN and FUNNY Ronald McDonald is! The girls enjoyed happy meals and we enjoyed that they were only $2 for the re-opening special! It was a busy and fun start to our last Saturday before Christmas!

Kelly showing her list to Santa

Kelly & Santa

Molly wasn't quite sure about sitting on Santa's she wanted her Big Sister to sit and show Santa HER Santa list.

Santa with the girls

Molly & Santa

Molly even gave Santa a HUG!!!!
(She is REALLY hoping & BELIEVING that she is going to get Barney and an Elf now!)

Kelly with Ronald McDonald

Molly wasn't so sure of Ronald McDonald....but he was great with kids!!!  Here he is looking at the Christmas tree to get Molly to come over and talk to him.

The girls with Ronald McDonald!!!!

We had a FUN morning!!!!

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