Friday, December 2, 2011


Another BIG celebration for Miss Molly today!

Brian and I took Molly and Lexi to Jumpin Janes for 4.5 hours!
(Kelly was in school)
It was a day to celebrate Molly giving up her binki!!!! I am so proud of her! The girls had a great time....and I saw A LOT of smiles! It was a nice celebration of being a big girl!!!

Lexi & Molly taking a minute to stop and smile for a picture!
Our day started like this.....
.....and continued with a lot of these!!!
Weeeeeee....slides are FUN!
Molly's reaction when she saw the workers bringing her a BIG cookie ice cream birthday dessert while singing too! She looks SO happy!
Bowing out her candles!
Jump, jump, jump!!!
This is SO much FUN!
Running away from me as I went in and jumped with them to get some pictures!

Our day ended with ONE carasoul ride!
The girls enjoyed it!
They also played one game together.

It was a great day!
I'm proud of my 3 year old!!!

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