Thursday, July 7, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Kelly finished up her two weeks of swimming lessons at the Dyersville pool on Thursday. She loves the water and had a great time.....especially because Sophia, Cambrie, and Michaela were in her class! We were able to go in and watch for the last 30 minutes on Thursday. I was able to get a few pictures in between taking Molly to the restroom! Kelly passed her class and is already ready for her next lessons! :)

Kelly all SMILES in the water!
Practicing their arms for treading water.
Kelly streamlining off the wall and coming to the surface to start swimming.
Rolling from back to front and front to back while floating.
Goofing around with Michaela while they waiting for their turns.
Michaela and Kelly being silly!
Kelly LOVED playing this motorboat game at the end of each class.....she talked about it ALL THE TIME!
Going around in circles waiting for Motorboat to step on the gas!
Sophia and Kelly at the end of lessons.......they both passed! WAY TO GO!

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