Friday, July 8, 2011


Kelly and I enjoyed our third annual BIG GIRL/MOMMY DAY! We met up with my two college roommates (Sarah and Molly) and their two oldest daughters (Michaela and Myka). All three of our first kids were born in May or it's been so much fun celebrating their birthdays with a special day. We originally thought it would be special for them, since they all had younger baby siblings. (That was two years ago!) Now....we have bigger second (and third for Sarah) kids too, that probably need a special day with just Mommy too! The weather was perfect.....the girls got along great.....and the Moms were able to talk and catch up! A win, win, win!
Kelly and I arrived at the children's museum first, so we enjoyed a large game of checkers together!
Then it was off to a art table....where it was lit up and you could trace cartoon characters and other fun things! Kelly LOVED art/crafty kid!
Myka and Michaela met up with us here....and they all enjoyed tracing cartoon characters!
Kelly is the cashier and Myka is "checking out"....while Michaela is shopping! This age is so fun to see the imaginary play!
I know this picture is blurry....but this screen is fun and makes funny images on it!
Kelly putting the lungs in the human body.
Putting Clifford's bones into his LARGE dog dish.
Happy Birthday!
Myka (6), Kelly (5), Michaela (5)
The Moms enjoy Big Girl/Mommy Day as much at the girls!
This water/play area provides much entertainment for the girls.....and a lot of talking time for the Moms!
Water fun!
Kelly & Michaela
Why wouldn't you put your head where the water is coming out?

A little video of one of the MANY performances the girls put on for us!

I can't wait for our 4th annual Big girl/Mommy day!

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