Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ready for Kindergarten!

Kelly is officially READY for KINDERGARTEN!
She had her 5 year old Kindergarten doctor appointment today!
All is well....she made it through the 3 shots and blood lab work today with minimal tears as they were drawing her blood.

Height - 42 inches - 45%
Weight - 44.2 pounds - 75%
Vision Screening - Perfect
Hearing Screening - Perfect

The doctor asked her FIVE questions and she got a sticker for each question she answered correctly. (Last year there were four questions to get stickers!)

#1 - What is the first thing you do when you get into the car?
(Buckle my seat belt)
#2 - When riding your bike or scooter what should you always remember?
(My Princess helmet)
#3 - What would you do if you were at a store and you were lost from Mom or Dad?
(I would stay where I was at and find someone who works at store)
#4 - Who should you always be with when you go swimming?
(My Mom...or Michelle)
**Michelle is Sophia's Mom and she has been taking Kelly to swim lessons while I work at camp
#5 - What should you do before you cross the street?
(Look both ways before crossing)
#6 - Since you are a big sister....if you are crossing the street and your little sister is outside what should you do?
(Wait for Molly and hold her hand when crossing street!)

GREAT JOB KELLY!!!! You got 6 stickers!!!!
(Plus two more from the lab too!)

My 5 year old!
She's ready for Kindergarten!

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