Sunday, July 3, 2011

3rd of July - FIREWORKS!

We spent our traditional 3rd of July at Commercial Club Park. I love how family-focused it is here in Dyersville for the fireworks. It is truly one of my favorite things to do and one of the things I most enjoy since moving to Dyersville almost 8 years ago. Both girls had a blast! They sold ride bracelets for the first time this year.....and the kids definitely got the $10 worth for the bracelets! We were hesitant in buying Molly a bracelet......but she LOVED the slide. I think she went down it at least 20 times....on four separate occasions! Kelly tried everything....and met up with a few friends and ran around to different things with them! The kids BOTH stayed awake for the entire fireworks show....Kelly LOVED them......Molly wouldn't even look at them after the first few and wanted hands over her ears! They both were sound asleep in the double stroller on our walk back home. It was a nice celebration!
Molly enjoyed the little bounce house for younger kids.....she was hesitant at first....but then really liked it!
Kelly loved all the bounce houses!
Both girls LOVED it......but Molly didn't want to get off this slide! She made me tired watching her climb up it over and over and over again!
Having fun!
Both girls loved the train ride......they rode it 3 times together throughout the night!
Molly back on the slide after the sun went down.
Molly got brave on the slide and went on her belly many times!
Kelly in line for her first time ever on the rock she is looking up at it!
She's next.....all smiles!
Getting hooked up!
Starting to climb with a little help.
She did great for her first time!!!!
Kelly found her friend Cambrie and they raced down the slide many times!
Cambrie and Kelly at the end of the obstacle course.
Kelly decided to watch the fireworks on Daddy's lap!
Molly chose Papa Michael's lap!

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