Sunday, November 2, 2008


Trick-or-Treating worked out great this year. It was a no school day for my swimmers (due to parent/teacher conferences). We had practice early and I was able to get Kelly dressed and have lots of fun Trick-or-Treating! My mom and I took her to Hy-Vee first, while waiting for Daddy to get off work! Hy-Vee was a HIT with Kelly. (I highly recommend for anyone thinking of Trick-or-Treating at Hy-Vee in the future!) We walked around the store and Kelly got LOTS of stuff....and GOOD STUFF! (chocolate milk, plastic Tinkerbell cereal bowl, twinkie, fortune cookie, coupon for a free kids meal, string cheese, baby carrots, peanut butter, a glow braclet, candy, etc., etc., etc.) After Hy-Vee we went to my aunt Nancy's house. Yep....she didn't just get candy there either.....she got candy AND a Hello Kitty coloring and sticker book too. We then went to Grandma and Papa Murray' s house, but she was already REALLY TIRED by that point. She had a good nap on the way home to Dyersville and was ready to walk around our neighborhood. She started off slow, but ended up loving it! I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
Kelly stopping for a quick picture, while in Hy-Vee! I know....she is an adorable butterfly!
Kelly walking through Hy-Vee Trick-or-Treating

Kelly picking out some candy at one of the "stops" at Hy-Vee! After Trick-or-Treating at Hy-Vee, we went to Grandma and Papa Murray's house. Kelly was REALLY tired by this point....and we had only been to Hy-Vee and my aunt Nancy's house. She wasn't cooperating for any pictures.....but she HAPPILY let them fill her bag with a Caillou movie and candy too! Here she is sleeping, while holding Caillou and her blanket. She had a "power nap" on the way home, so that we could Trick-or-Treat in our neighborhood!
(I took off part of her costume so that she wasn't so hot in the car!) While Trick-or-Treating in Dyersville, we stopped at Grandma and Papa Snyder's house. Kelly got lots of FUN stuff in a spongebob bag.....a Mr. Potato Head, candy, etc. As you can tell, she was EXCITED!

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