Friday, November 28, 2008

Potty training........

I have been working on potty training Kelly for about 6 months now......a VERY FRUSTRATING PROCESS! (I truly believe it is the hardest part of parenting so far!) Anyway, I have kind of "given up" the last few weeks. My doctor told me (along with many others), that anything I gained in these last few weeks before the baby was born, would be lost once the baby came along. So, we still ask her if she wants or needs to go potty, but we don't push it. This morning she went through and EMPTIED her dresser........yes, everything was out of all her drawers. Needless to say, she found her Elmo underwear and wanted to wear I let her. I told her she had to tell me when she needed to go potty, otherwise Elmo was going to get wet. I asked her a million times, but it was always "No Mommy, me no have to go potty!" Well, of course she had an accident! I am not doing so well at this potty training part of parenting! Any suggestions..........

Kelly showing off her Elmo underwear....while holding her turtle purse! She wanted a treat in her purse....and I told her she could put one in there, AFTER she went potty! (She didn't get a treat!)

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