Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

The Snyder Family hopes everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a great day with extra yummy food! (I got some of my favorites....S'more pie, cinnamon rolls, mashed potatoes, scalloped corn, etc.) We spent the afternoon at my mom's house with Brian's family and Nancy and Gary. Kelly was the only kid needless to say, she had everyone playing with her at one time or another! Then we went to my dad's house around 5:45 p.m. and spent a little time there too....where Kelly got to play with a lot of her cousins! I only took a couple pictures....I wanted to get a family picture of Brian, Kelly, and I (our last one before the new baby comes), but Kelly was too tired by the time I got around to it. I only got Kelly with one set of her three grandparents too....even though she got to spend time with all of her grandparents. I did manage to get a picture of Kelly playing with Play-Doh with her uncle David...whom she doesn't get to see a lot! We hope everyone had a great day! Hopefully, we will be calling you soon, with news of Baby Snyder # 2! (It could be anyday now!)
Grandma and Papa Murray with Kelly (and Elmo)
Uncle David and Kelly playing with PLAY-DOH!

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