Sunday, July 20, 2014

Molly's 1st Sleepover!!!!

Molly was so excited for her first sleepover at a friends house!  It was a long wait on Saturday morning/afternoon for Molly.....but it was worth it!  When I picked Molly up on Sunday morning, her exact words as we were walking to the van....."THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!"  When can Ava come sleepover at MY HOUSE?

Molly shared with me about what her and Ava did...
***Walked to the park
***Had a water balloon toss & threw at Ava's Mom!
***Played in sandbox
***Picked flowers
***Made Zuchanni Bread
***Had a tea party
***Watched a movie
***Played with mermaids
***Giggled/Whispered/Laughed in their sleeping bags

She had SO MUCH FUN!!!!

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