Thursday, June 19, 2014

UD for Kids

Kelly attended UD for Kids for the second summer!  
This is an enrichment camp for kids who just completed grades 1-6, where the student has to be nominated by a teacher in order to attend.  It is held on the University of Dubuque Campus.
Kelly picked the following classes this year....
1. Messin with Mixtures 12:30-2:00
2. Cupcake Bake-Off 2:30-4:00
She enjoyed both classes this year and her two last year as well. (Mini-Musical and It's all about ART).  Her favorite out of the four classes was.....CUPCAKE BAKE-OFF!
 Kelly and Papa Tom
(Who teaches a solar class at UD for Kids)
Kelly - Savanna - Cambrie
(Classmates who all attended this year!)

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