Friday, June 27, 2014

Molly's Swim Lessons!

Molly finished her two weeks of swim lessons (the same two weeks I worked at Loras Sports Camp).  She went with Lynnie (our daycare provider), who takes all her daycare kids that are old enough to lessons every day!  LOVE IT!!!  Molly did great....and enjoyed her swimming lessons....and she passed onto the next level too!!!!  WAY TO GO MOLLY!!!
Love that smile!!!!
 Molly streamlining....or how they taught her....gliding!
 Swimming that her face is in the water and her arm looks good.....we might have to work on her kick....
 No goggles....
 ....but she is ok with it!
(She would rather have googles, but they didn't want her to)
 Getting thrown by one of her teachers!
Playing a game!
 Getting lifted into the water in the deep end off the diving board.....she said she was too scared to jump.
You passed onto the next level!

***Thanks to Grandma Pat and Papa Tom for taking these pictures for me on the last day....since I was working at camp!***

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