Friday, June 6, 2014

Rockies T-Ball

Molly is in her first season of T-Ball.  They play 6 games this summer.  I got a few good pictures of Molly at the T-Ball game tonight.
 Molly was excited when she found out she was on the PURPLE team!
 She hit the ball without the "T"!!!!

Running to first base
(I love her shadow!)
 Hitting off the "T" this time.
(They get 5 pitches...and then they use the "T")
 Chase & Molly
(These two are destined to be friends!  They were in the same library storytime group and we had many play dates when they were younger.  Now they are on the same T-Ball team!  They will both be in Kindergarten at Xavier next year!)
Good game!!!

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