Thursday, June 12, 2014

Girl Scout DAY CAMP - Thursday

The Dyersville Girl Scouts Service Unit hosts a two-day Day Camp at Commercial Club park each summer in June.  This is Kelly's third year attending.  Each year, the theme is something different and the activities are geared towards the theme.
This years theme is....
Discover....the FUN of Science
I volunteered to help today....and was able to get a few pictures of Kelly in action!
 Our scientist!
 Holding a soapy dry ice ball of fun!
 Cambrie and Kelly working together to figure out the wood trolleys.... took a little bit.....
 ...but they figured it out together!!!!
 Playing games in between stations!
Best Friends!
***Kelly asked Cambrie to attend girl scout day camp with her!  She wasn't even a girl scout....but joined to be able to attend day camp with Kelly!  They are great friends and enjoy arts and crafts together!  They both had a wonderful day at day camp and look forward to another day of fun tomorrow!***

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