Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm a BIG GIRL now!!!!

We celebrated Molly being a BIG GIRL today!!!!
She hasn't had any potty accidents in a few we thought it was time to celebrate!
We drove to Cedar Rapids this morning to celebrate Molly's BIG accomplishment!!!
(She was so incredibly EASY to potty-train....once again the complete opposite of Kelly!)
It was a fun day for all the girls.....Molly, Kelly, and our neighbor Lexi too! Lexi is so nice to Molly and plays great with both my girls!

Chuck-E with the girls!
Molly LOVED all the rides! She barely played any games with tickets.....she kept wanting to ride instead!
Molly in the Barney car!
HER FAVORITE RIDE!!!! She rode this at least 10 times!
Hugs for Barney!
Yeah Barney!
Riding the motorcycle!
On a boat ride with Daddy!
Daddy teaching Molly how to steer the boat!
Playing the water racing game with Lexi.
(Kelly had to help Molly aim!)
Froggy game!
Molly's favorite thing other than the rides!
Shark game!
Rainbow push-ups!
I LOVE Kelly's expression in this picture! She was so excited that Daddy had picked a PINK ice cream bar (it was strawberry shortcake). Kelly told Daddy he didn't like pink and always says we have too much pink in our house! She thought it was so funny Daddy was eating a pink ice cream treat!
The "show" started on stage so the girls decided to watch it while finishing their ice cream treats!
The older girls finished their ice cream and the show was they went to play in the jungle gym area while Molly went back to her favorite place to finish her push-up!
All 3 sound asleep on the way home from a FUN day!

Potty training is complete in the Snyder household......up next.....
NO MORE BINKI for Miss Molly &

(I predict Molly's binki will be gone before Kelly stops sucking her thumb!)

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