Sunday, August 21, 2011


Brian and I took the girls to the SMURF movie on Sunday morning. It's cheaper if you go before noon...and Molly is free! Kelly LOVED it and laughed a lot and danced to many parts of the movie. There were only two other families in the theater which made it really nice as well. Molly enjoyed the parts she saw...but fell asleep on my lap about half-way through. Her favorite part was seeing ELMO in the movie!! She kept saying "Elmo in Smurf movie too!" It was pretty cute!!! It was our first family movie!
** Kelly has gone to Tangled with Grandma and I and Hop with Papa.
(Kelly also went to the free Shrek movie when she was 4 and both girls went to the free Cars 2 movie this summer...where Molly again fell asleep on me!)

A picture right before the previews's dark...sorry! Molly is holding her Smurfette!
After the movie we took the girls to Los Aztecas because kids eat free on Sundays. Here is Molly helping decorate with some of her Smurfs.

(ALL these Smurfs came from McDonald's. One of my friends is a manager at McDoanld's and the girls have all 16 of them....and doubles of a few of the main ones....Smurfette, Papa, Brainy, & Jokey)
We only paid for four of them....and they have 20!

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