Sunday, June 5, 2011


We spent a little while fishing today at the Dyersville Sportsman Club. Kelly normally fishes once a year on our family vacation...and Molly has never fished. It was a nice day, and something different to do with the girls. It worked out they both caught a fish!

The girls watching their bobbers.
Kelly watching closely
Daddy helping Kelly
Daddy helping Molly
Miss Molly
Molly decided to reel her line in on her own...
...little did we know it had a little (baby) fish on it! She was excited...but before I could snap a picture, the fish was off the hook. The poor little fish didn't even get the worm! After Molly caught and saw her fish on her Dora pole...she was finished fishing for the day!
Daddy helping Kelly reel in her (Big Sister) fish! Her fish was larger than Molly's (baby) fish!
Kelly holding her fish on her Disney Princess pole.
Kelly even wanted to HOLD her fish!

Both girls caught one fish...were happy...and called it a great fishing day!

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