I realize it's only spring training, but I already have TWO daughters that are Cubs fans!!!! (Especially Kelly....as she sings and dances to the "Go Cubs Go" song and gets her pom-poms out like a little Cubs cheerleader!!!) Since Molly was wearing Kelly's old Cubs sleeper today, I couldn't resist taking some pictures of Molly....and then looking for pictures of Kelly wearing it two years ago too! Here's what I found....

Molly smiling today in her swing!

Kelly smiling a few years ago!

Molly sleeping with her binki today.....I'm not sure if she is going to take a binki or her thumb??? She has taken a binki every once in awhile, but the last two days I have seen her with her thumb in her mouth too!!! Time will tell....

Kelly sucking her thumb a few years ago....she STILL sucks her thumb when she is tired. She sucked her thumb in both ultrasounds before she was born....so she was destined to be a thumb sucker. Someday we will have to break that habit......but we need to get her potty trained first!
Do you think Kelly & Molly look alike???
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