Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Molly's swim lessons

Molly had her last day of Dyersville swim lessons today.  I was a little worried signing her up.....but she exceeded all of my expectations!!!  YEAH MOLLY!  Lynn (our daycare provider) took Molly to lessons all of last week while I worked at Loras Sports Camp.  Molly did great with Lynnie.....and enjoyed lessons.....the only complaint was that she was cold afterwords.  Mother Nature is bi-polar this summer!  I took her to her last three lessons this week (she had a total of 8 lessons).  The weather was warmer the last two days....which made lessons extra-fun!  Molly knew one girl in her class from preschool.  Since today was the last day, we are allowed to go in the last 15 minutes to take pictures!!!  Molly did great....we're very proud of her....and she passed too!!!!
All smiles after jumping into the deep end!
 Molly jumping in and going under the water in the deep end!!!!
 So independent now.....
 Playing a game with her teachers and a few of the kids in her class
 Doing bobs.....her face is all wet....and she doesn't cry!!!!
 I love Molly's expression in this picture!
 Front floating through the hula-hoop

 Great job Molly!
 London Bridge with the hula hoop.  
(To get out, they have to go under water and swim out)
 Molly loved this game!!!
 Fun in the pool!!!
Hannah and Molly drying off after swim lessons!

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