Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Snow Slushies!

This is our second cancelled school day this week....and it's only Wednesday!  (Monday we were off due to the ice storm and today is a snow day!) ...did I mention it was 50 degrees yesterday and we set a temperature high for the day? ....and it's going to be 4 degrees tomorrow with a wind chill to make it -15 degrees!  Mother Nature is very confusing!

Kelly has been especially bummed with no school these two days....because she loves school AND it's Catholic Schools Week and there are fun activities planned each day too!

Since Kelly is missing her fun activity for the day.....I decided we should have our own little fun we made SNOW SLUSHIES!
 The girls LOVED IT!
 Molly pouring in the milk!
 Stirring in the grape kool-aid
 Enjoying purple snow slushies!
Silly girls!

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