Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kindergarten Field Trip - Swiss Valley

Kelly went on her big Kindergarten Field Trip today!  All the Xavier Kindergartners went to Swiss Valley Nature Preserve in Dubuque in the morning/early afternoon, and then went to FarmTek in Dyersville in the later afternoon.  I was able to go along to Swiss Valley for the first part of the field trip (the second part of the field trip I took Molly to the eye doctor). The kids all had a lot of fun!  It was very interesting and at times I felt like I was back in elementary school science class! :)
 The kids started off by going through the Nature Center.  They were able to see some live animals and look at (and touch) a lot of things.  
 Touching various items
 Kelly liked the turtle shells
 They put their hands in to see if they could guess what they were touching!
Connor, Alec, Hope, Breanna, & Kelly
 Some of the girls!!
Kelly, Sophia, Kennedy, Madelyn, Eva, Maria, & Cambrie
 Kelly is always up for posing!
 Mrs. Wubbena looking at some of the rocks with Kelly
 Kelly has always LOVED rocks!!!
 Kelly's class on our hike.
 Kelly with the sticky branch on her sweatshirt
(Kindergarten style!)
Maria as the SUN
Kelly as WATER
Kennedy as AIR
Connor as SOIL
Mason as PLANTS
 Nature Scavenger Hunt
 Kelly & Ellie were a TEAM for the scavenger hunt
 Kelly's class after the scavenger hunt
My Kindergartner!
I was so glad I was able to experience this field trip with Kelly!

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