Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who would have thought....

...that my daughter who is hesitant of SO MANY things....
would CRY because 
swimming lessons 
were over???
Day #3 of swim lessons and Molly looks like she is having a lot of fun!!!  She is floating on her own, blowing bubbles, and spending the entire time in the water!
SO....she is hesitantly walking to me after lessons....walking REALLY slow and with her head down.  I wrap her towel around her and here is our conversation...

Me: Did you have fun at swim lessons today?
Molly: NO!
Me: Well it looked like you were having a great time and you were smiling A LOT!
Molly: I DIDN'T have fun swimming today!
Me: Why Molly....what happened?
Molly: My teacher said we had to GO!
Me: Honey, lessons were over and it was time for other kids to get to swim
Molly: BUT...I didn't WANT to go!  I wanted to keep swimming!!!!
Me: Well, we get to come back on Thursday and swim some more.
Molly: I want to swim more NOW!
Me: Well, it's time to go honey...let's get your suit off and dry off
Molly: CRYING, Lots of TEARS, and a 3 year old temper tantrum!!!

So....Molly LOVED swimming lessons.....but HATED having to get out of the pool!

I might just have two swimmers someday!

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