Thursday, March 15, 2012


Katelynn came and spent the day at our house today since she is on spring break this week!  We will have been matched 11 years next month through the Big Brother/Big Sister program.  Our match will graduate in May when she graduates from high school.  She wanted to have a chance to play with the girls....normally we just meet in Dubuque and a lot of times Brian takes the girls home and Katelynn barely sees them.  

Molly and I went to pick up Katelynn in the morning after I took Kelly to school.  (Dyersville schools do not have spring break).  Our day consisted of going to get Molly's hair fixed at New Directions due to her earlier week scissors cutting experience, playing at Asbury park, subs from Subway at home, reading books to Molly, and playing games.)

We picked up Kelly from school and Kelly was all excited because she wanted to go on a bike ride with Katelynn.  They went on a bike ride, searched for "special" rocks, drew with chalk in the driveway, played ping pong, and drew/colored lots of pictures.

Both girls had a great time with Katelynn!  It was nice for us to get to talk (un-interrupted) on our way back to Dubuque last night too.  It is amazing to see how much Katelynn has grown over the last 11 years!

 Katelynn reading a Dora book to Molly in her room.
 Molly pretending to be the BIRD in the book during the story!  Too cute!
 Playing Whac-A-Mole in Kelly's room while Kelly changed clothes after school.
 Ready for a bike ride!
Searching through rocks.....Kelly has ALWAYS LOVED rocks!  They were finding the "special" and really "pretty" ones!

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