Sunday morning was Mother's Day.....and our last day on our Minnesota trip. We had a wonderful time, but were ready to get back home. (All except for Kelly!) Kelly thought we should just LIVE in the hotel. When I told her she would miss her school and her friends....she said "But Mom, they can just come visit me and swim and go to all the fun places!" It didn't really feel like Mother's Day.....well, it did since I had some over-tired children! We spent most of Mother's Day driving home.....and unpacking!

Kelly giving me the card, flower, and magnet she made for me at school.
We went to Mall of America for a couple more hours before heading home....since it was right across the street from our hotel. Grandma Peggy took Kelly and "Amy" to the American Girl store to get her dolls hair done! Kelly has had Amy for 3 years.....and her hair was pretty tangled!
Kelly watching closely and listening to how to take care of her dolls hair.

Adorable smile on Miss Kelly as she is watching.

Amy getting all cleaned up!
(You would have been shocked to see how much dirt, etc. came off that doll!!!!)

Kelly and the NEW Amy!
Molly got to go to Build a Bear for the first time! She has been "borrowing" Kelly's build a bear for awhile now Molly has her own. Here she is showing what bear she picked!
Giving it to the lady and listening....
...watching closely...
...checking to see if it's just right...
...picking a heart...
...rubbing the heart...
....rubbing heart on check so her bear will always have smiles...
...putting the heart inside...
...washing and brushing her bear...
YEAH....Molly has her own Build a Bear now!!!

Kelly asked me if I would take her on the log ride for Mother's Day....since she LOVED it when she went with Uncle Brian the day we are waiting in line.

Mommy & Kelly on the log ride!
It was a great LONG, BUSY, weekend!
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