We spent Friday morning at the house.....the kids played and held Matthew! We packed up all our stuff (we stayed at Brian and Katie's for two nights) and headed down to the cities. Katie and Matthew stayed home and rested. The four big kids were excited as we were spending the day at the Minnesota Children's Museum. Everyone had a lot of fun and the kids played great together!!!

The first picture of all 5 kids!

My girls love their new little cousin!
Kelly & Matthew
Molly loved kissing "Baby Matt!!!"
Molly had a lot of fun playing the the kitchen at Brian and Katie's house....if you look closely on the left....you will see part of George too!
The big kids playing before we left on Friday morning.
Playing at the LEGO Castle exhibit at the museum.
The girls stacking the large legos.
Molly on the princess bench.
My sleeping princess!
Molly and Daniel playing at the water wonder table.....Daniel didn't stay long as he found the boats!
Molly LOVED this water table.....she stayed there for over an hour!
Water fun!
Loving the water!
Ben & Kelly having fun in all the BUBBLES!
Big bubbles!
Kelly putting her hand in one of the HUGE bubbles one of the workers made!
Kelly watching this worker (who was amazing!!!) "TAKE A BUBBLE FOR A WALK!" She followed him around and he let her pop it at the end!
Look at her smile!!!!
Bubbles are so much fun!
The boys liked racing the boats!!!!
Molly thought racing DUCKS would be more fun!
Go Ducky Go!
SELF face painting sure make a 3, 4, & 5 year old happy!!!!

Grandma Peggy was being a rock star with the kids on the stage!

My two little rock stars!
After almost 6 hours at the museum....we headed to the hotel to check in.....which was right across the street from the Mall of America and only 15 minutes from the museum. The kids swam for a little while and we had pizza delivered to the pool. By the end of the day....we had 4 tired kids!
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