Wednesday, December 8, 2010

So peaceful

Molly and I have been out and about two days in a row......
**Yesterday due to her 2 year old doctor appointment and we ran a lot of errands.
**Today because we had to go back into Dubuque to get her glasses fixed, and we ran some more errands.
It has been REALLY cold outside! Molly enjoys her time with Mommy....and is a pretty good little shopper! We got back home today just in time for lunch. Molly ate (if you count yogurt and a banana lunch)....and while I was cleaning up and checking my computer.....I came out to find a peaceful little girl snuggled up, asleep in the chair. If you look closely, you will see she even set her glasses on the table!!!! YEAH MOLLY! We have been working with her to set them on tables.....verses the floor, hidden in toys, throwing, etc.

Sleeping kids are soooooo peaceful!

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