Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holiday family tradition....year 2

Last year we watched POLAR EXPRESS with Kelly and she loved it! Grandma Peggy gave her a bell on a pretty ribbon necklace and she still wears it at times. Grandma also had the book (as Kelly borrowed it last year and never returned it) and we have read it at least 50 times over the past year. Kelly knows the story by heart! Well, Polar Express was on ABC Family this weekend and Brian taped it.....both of us knowing we would have a family movie night....and include Molly this year! Tonight was the night. We were finished eating by 6pm and started the movie. Both girls sat and watched the entire movie---non-stop! (and we still had Kelly & Molly asleep in bed by 8:15pm) This will definately be a family holiday tradition for many years to come. Here are the girls favorite quotes from the evening.....

KELLY - "I wish I could ride a train to see Santa and the Elves at the North Pole!"

MOLLY - "GO SANTA" -- as he is flying away after the first gift of Christmas is given!

So, as I was laying with Kelly in bed tonight she says to me.....

"Mommy....I really hope Santa brings me a bell this year....wrapped up in a pretty box....but not one on a necklace.....just a pretty one that I can hold like the little boy. I REALLY hope you and Daddy can hear it too! Do you think Santa will bring it to me?"

1 comment:

Berning Family said...

I like the updates Emily. The picture of Molly sleeping with her glasses on the table is precious.