Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New neighbors = New friends!

Tonight we had our annual neighborhood block party. When we moved into our house almost 6 years ago......there were no kids. In the last two years, we have had two families move in with kids the same ages as Kelly and Molly! One of those two families doesn't actually move in until September 1, but they were invited to our block party tonight too! Kelly CAN'T wait for a friend....right across the street! Her name is Lexi.....and she is 3 months younger than Kelly (she will be 4 yrs. old in September)...and Kelly already knew her from going to our babysitters house. Fun times! The other family moved in a little over a year ago, and they have a daughter, Bella, who is one month younger than Molly. Hopefully, they will be friends too....when they get a little older!

Lexi & Kelly hanging out!
Kelly & Lexi enjoying their popsicles!
They BOTH love their braclets!
Bella and Molly playing peek-a-boo! They were both giggling so hard.....which made everyone else laugh too!

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