Monday, May 24, 2010

Sprinkler Sunday

Yesterday was HOT!!!! It was 94 degrees and VERY HUMID! It was the first day we broke down and finally turned our air conditioner on! So, we thought it would be a great day to get the sprinkler ball out. We got this as a present over a year ago and never used always seemed like a waste with just Kelly playing in the sprinkler. Well, Kelly had a BLAST! Molly....not so much! So, we got it out for just one kid anyway. Oh well! It was worth it on this incredibly HOT day!

Kelly laughed and giggled A LOT!

Brian putting Kelly on top of the sprinker ball!
Molly wouldn't even get close to the sprinkler Brian decided to run through it with Molly.....Molly cried the entire time!
I asked Brian to look at me for a picture.....Molly just cried and put her arms out for me to take her away from this scary ball that sprays water!
Molly was happy to just hang out on the deck with Mommy and watch her big sister!

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