Kelly and Molly both love our swingset. We have already spent a lot of time outside since the weather has been more springlike!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Easter Baskets......# 1
Last night the girls got easter baskets from Grandma & Papa Mulgrew. They are spending the holiday weekend in Kansas City so we aren't going to see them on Easter. Kelly and Molly both LOVED their basket of treats....and Kelly especially loved that they got matching dresses! As you can see in the picture, Kelly is wearing a tutu over her jeans. She only has a few dresses that have sleeves, so this was the only way I could get her out of the wear a hello kitty shirt, jeans, and a tutu!!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Easter Bunny!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Visit with Great-Grandma
Yesterday afternoon we took to trip to Anamosa to see Great-Grandma Snyder. ...who's 94 years old!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Let's go ride your bike!
I just can't get enough of this beautiful weather! I think this winter has been WAY TOO LONG! Anyway, after our family morning walk we put Molly down for a nap. We asked Kelly if she wanted to ride her BIG GIRL bike. (If you remember, she won a bike from Perkins over a year ago). Of course she said yes! While Molly was sleeping we went outside to teach Kelly to ride her bike! She did AMAZING and after about 15 minutes, she rode all the way down to the park at the end of the street and back with little help! WAY TO GO KELLY!
Ana's 6th birthday
Last night we celebrated Ana's 6th birthday......BARBIE theme! It was a busy day for us...Kelly's leprechaun leap, the parade, and a birthday party! We had a lot of fun....and Brian especially enjoyed seeing that it's not just our house that has a lot of PINK!
St. Patrick's Day Parade
Yesterday was Dyersville's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade at 1:30pm. This is the BEST parade....everyone comes to it from all the surrounding areas....even Dubuque! It was REALLY cold, but it stopped raining right before the parade we were thankful for that! Kelly got so much stuff....3 necklaces, 2 koozies, 2 toys from RC2 outlet, 3 bouncy balls, a Fruit Loops bowl (it is AMAZING), string cheese, small can of pop, rice krispie treats, candy bars, suckers, and LOTS of tootsie rolls! Molly stayed bundled up in the stroller the entire parade....but she got to watch everyone go by!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Leprechaun Leap
Kelly ran her first "race" this morning. She was in the Leprechaun Leap Fun Run. She did great....and ran right next to her best friend Sophia!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Papa Michael's birthday
We celebrated Papa Michael's birthday tonight (his birthday is Sunday, 3/14). Kelly and I made a special cake (with lots of candy and sprinkles on it)!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
You gotta love it.......
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Last night after our birthday party.....we dropped Kelly off at Grandma Peggy and Papa Michael's house for a sleepover! They VOLUNTEERED to have Kelly sleep at their house and then play all day today. That means........Brian and I got to sleep until 7am today!!!!! Kelly is our early riser and normally if we get to sleep until 6am that is a good day. Molly normally sleeps until around 7-7:30am. Anyway, Grandma and Papa bravely took on the challenge. Kelly didn't disappoint....she woke up at 4am to go potty and then got back out of bed again before 6am. They had a fun day together.....despite the early morning!
Brice's 5th birthday
We celebrated Brice's 5th birthday yesterday (he turns five on Tuesday 3/9). The kids all love getting together for birthday parties!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Wednesday at the library
Every Wednesday is library day! I have been taking Kelly to the library once a week since she was around 15 months. She was in the Wee Read program from 15 months until she was 3 years old where I was in the room with her. When she turned 3 last June, she moved up to the storytime library program without me! It is a lot of fun for her....and Molly and I just get to hang out in the library with all the other moms and little kids. We get to read books, play with puzzles, etc. while Kelly has her storytime. Kelly's program usually lasts around 40-50 minutes. The Wee Read program is at 10:30am....right after Kelly's 9:30am storytime. This week the teacher asked me if Molly was ready for the Wee Read program. I decided to try it with Molly and she was really good for the first time! The theme this week was Dr. Suess!
Molly & Kelly at home with the Dr. Seuss hats they made in their library programs. Molly isn't quite sure what to think of her big sister Kelly and all her "princess" stuff! Kelly gave Molly a wand to hold as if she is a "princess in training!" I know Molly doesn't have these princess genes in her....could I really have TWO girls totally opposite from me???
Showing off their library hats!
Kelly decided on her own to set up all her princess friends on the couch and sit next to them.....she then said......."Mommy, please take my picture with my princess friends!"
Here she is with Princess Bear, Hello Kitty, and Amy!
On Tuesday night, Grandma Pat and Papa Tom brought a present up to the house for Kelly. While they were out of town shopping, they found the Crayola Crayon Maker that we wanted to get Kelly for Christmas....but every place was out of them! Here Kelly is loading up all the broken crayons in the crayon maker to make new FUN swirled crayons!
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