Friday, August 14, 2009

Noah's Ark

Yesterday, I took my swimming and diving team to Noah's Ark Waterpark in Wisconsin Dells. Since Kelly is a BIG GIRL, she got to come with Mommy and her swimmers! She had a great time....and my team did too! The weather was perfect! We met throughout the day and did some team activities.....treading water in the wave pool, riding on the log ride (we filled the entire boat), and saw the Spongebob 4D movie. Kelly enjoyed everything. She wasn't tall enough to go on some of the waterslides.....but we went on 8 of them! Plus, she got to play at all the kiddie areas too! Here are a few be the judge if she had a great time!

Kelly posing for a picture in the wave pool.
Mommy and Kelly "riding" the waves in the wave pool.
My team at the wave pool.
(I had 7 girls that were unable to are 20 of them!)
Kelly riding one of the waterslides. Her expression was like this on EVERY waterslide. Here she is with Emily Domeyer and Claire Wareham. This was a the Congo Bongo ride....where 5 people could be in a tube together.
Emily Domeyer and Claire Wareham playing with Kelly in the wave pool.
Kelly riding the kiddie bumper boats....all by herself!
Emily Schroeder and Kelly waiting for our turn to see the Spongebob 4D movie. Throughout the movie we got sprayed with water, had bubbles floating in the air, and smelled crazy pickels! Oh, and Spongebob jumped out at us too!

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