Thursday, April 16, 2009

How tall will Molly be???

Today was Molly's 4 month doctor appointment (even though she is 4 1/2 months old now!) Here is how it breaks down....
Molly 4 1/2 months
Weight - 17 lbs. 3 oz. - 90%
Height - 26 1/4 inches - 97%
Head - 41.5 cm - 50%
Kelly at exactly 4 months old
Weight - 16 lbs. even
Height - 25 1/4 inches
Head - 40.5 cm

The doctor said everything looked good.......except we need to work with her on pushing on us or the exersaucer or a jump-a-roo (which we don't have)...since that is a developmental milestone that she isn't doing as of right now. We tried her in the exersaucer tonight.....but she doesn't fit her feet on the bottom, like the doctor wanted. We will just have to keep working with her. Other than her blocked tear duct in her right eye (which I have to take her to an eye specialist tomorrow morning)....all is well. She is a healthy little girl. Her lungs sounded she is over her first cold!!! :)

Molly in the exersaucer tonight.....even though her feet don't touch the bottom!

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