Thursday, April 10, 2008

A very SAD rainy day!

It's been awhile since I have put anything on my blog site. We have had a busy weekend. My great-grandma (Jackie's mom) passed away last Friday evening. She lived a full the age of 86 years old! The wake was on Sunday and the funeral on Monday. Lots of family were it town, so we have been really busy! Yesterday was the first day that Kelly and I were home again....but we did leave to go to our weekly library program. Kelly slept a lot yesterday...I think she was catching up from the crazy, busy weekend.

Then comes today....a yucky RAINY day!!! Kelly wanted to go outside and play REALLY BAD!!! She had a lot of meltdowns her words....

GO - SIDE - "WING"...which is swing, and MOM was said over and over and over again!!!

Here is a picture of Kelly in our laundry room, pointing and looking out at her swing!!!

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