Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Molly's spring music program

Molly had her spring music program tonight.  She has been singing the songs for months.  She did a great job and was so fun to watch.....despite having a really bad cold.....and finding out the next day that she had pink eye! They sang 8 songs!
 1. Welcome
2. This Little Light of Mine
3. Down by the Bay
4. Icky Sticky Bubble Gum
5. Little White Duck
6. I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my Heart
7. God Bless the Moon
8. One Small Voice
 Molly and one of her best friends, Allison, before the program
 Molly waving to us during the Welcome song!
 She knew all the words!
 Ava, Molly, and Allison after the program!
 Molly with her purple rose from Grandma Peggy.....
 ...Papa Michael brought it to Molly since Grandma was in Des Moines for work and couldn't be at the preschool program.
Molly on the way out of the Auditorium.  All the kids signed the thank you for coming sign!
(Molly is looking really tired and sick here!)

Molly singing "This Little Light of Mine!"
Molly singing and doing the sign language for "One Small Voice"

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