Molly had a lot of "firsts" today....and she LOVED all of them!
***First bus ride***
***First field trip***
***First time bowling***
I took 1.5 hours off this morning to be able to attend the field trip with Molly's class. It was completely worth it to see the smile on her face! Every year during Catholic Schools Week, each grade at Xavier gets to go bowling. It was Molly's first time. She was very hesitant at first...not knowing what to think. After she watched a few preschoolers bowl before her, she jumped right in! She loved her special event at school today!
Kaley and Molly - first bus ride!!!

Molly & Luke waiting for their turn to bowl
Molly started off barely rolling the ball....
....but she watched it down the entire lane!
Then she really got into it!!!!!!
Look at that follow through!!!
Bowling along side her friends.....all in lanes next to each other!
***Paige - Autumn - Molly***
***Lane 6***
Tate, Molly, Luke, Ashley, Haley
Silly socks - two different purple pony socks!
Showing off the silly socks she picked for bowling day!
Luke & Molly showing off their socks!
Molly bowled a 77!!!!!
***Not bad for her first time bowling!***
Bus ride home with her daycare friend, Paige!