Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Molly's last day of 3 year old preschool

Today was Molly's last day of 3 year old preschool.  She has grown SO MUCH this school year.  She cried the first month and a half when I dropped her off in her classroom.  When she would see me in the hallway at school she would run up to me and give me a hug....and not want to let go.  At her first parent-teacher conferences her teacher said she was a great listener and was very smart and advanced for her age.....but she never talked or raised her hand or shared any ideas.  She made one really good friend right away at the beginning of the school year.....and when she didn't get to sit by her at circle time or lunch, she would be very sad.

By the end of this school year, she has really come out of her shell.  She is very comfortable at school, with her teachers, and her classmates.  She has a few little girls she talks about.....but her best friend is still Paige from the beginning of the year.  When she would see me in the hallway she would say "Hi Mom" but stay in her line and just wave.  She shared more and more throughout the school year.  She really thought about what she would bring for show and tell...to try to stump the other kids so they couldn't guess what was in the bag.  She learned all her uppercase letters this school year and all but four lowercase letters by sight.  She can read some sight words that were posted around the room too.

These two days a week of full day preschool this school year have been the BEST thing for Molly.  She will go four full days of preschool next year....in the 4 year old program. 
Molly with her fun kite from her teacher, Mrs. Schlueter

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