Monday, December 10, 2012

"Worst day of Kelly's life!"

Kelly had a ROUGH DAY!  She woke up with a headache and sore throat so we gave her some tylenol and she went to school.  I checked on her twice during the day (a bonus of working at school) and informed her teacher that she wasn't 100%.  I saw her teacher around 1:30 and she said Kelly had been great today!!!  So.....I thought all was well.....
....that was until 2:05pm when Kelly came to the office.
She said she had a REALLY bad headache and a REALLY bad sore throat and she was FREEZING!  After the nurse took her temp (100.4) and I looked in her throat....I just knew she had strep.  I called the doctor and they couldn't get her in until 5:30pm.  Kelly laid down in the nurses office for the last 45 minutes of school.  The doctor confirmed that Kelly had strep throat.  (On a positive least it didn't progress into scarlet fever this time!)  By the time we got her medicine, some supper, and got home, it was 8pm.  My Dad (Papa Bear) stopped to drop some stuff off and the girls showed Papa all the Christmas decorations, etc......including Doodle Elf (our Elf on the Shelf).  The girls pointed him out and Papa Bear (not knowing anything about the Elf and his magic) PICKED HIM UP!
The tears started FLOWING from Miss Kelly......and didn't stop for about 45 minutes!  Kelly was devastated (to say the least).  We assured her that Doodle Elf's friends would help him back to the North Pole.  It didn't help that Kelly was tired and sick....on top of her Christmas Magic Elf being touched!  Brian finally got her calmed down enough to read a book.  Kelly says to us "This is the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!"  After asking her why she said she missed the last part of school today, has to take YUCKY medicine for 10 days, misses school tomorrow on an ART day, and now Doodle Elf has NO MAGIC! is hard being a 6 year old first grader!
Needless to say....I didn't want an entire day where I was home with a sick kid....and our elf was not here!  So.....Brian and I came up with this....

Our Elf has his magic back and all is ok in the Snyder house!

***Kelly doesn't think so as she has to take stronger medicine three times a day for 10 days, she missed her friends and art class today too!***

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