Friday, June 15, 2012

Girl Scout Day Camp

 Kelly had two full days at the Dyersville Girl Scout Day Camp!  She LOVED every minute of it!  The made LOTS of crafts (t-shirt bag, picture frame, solar cakes, bracelets, etc.), made fun snacks, played lots of games, and had a wonderful time!

Kelly & Mommy
(I volunteered one full day at the camp)
 Dress up time......of course Kelly's entire outfit is PINK!
(They printed this picture for them and put it in the frame they made)
 Silly Kelly!
Kelly and her 1st grade friend, Claire Olberding.  They go to the same school, and used to go to the same babysitter.....they were both in ALL PINK!
Kelly and her 6th grade big sister, Mariah, was one of the junior group leaders
Kelly's group for the two days!
*They mix up all the grades so the girl scouts get to know one another!
Kelly was the guesser while her group was playing Frogger!

**It was a fun couple of days for Kelly!

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