Friday, June 4, 2010

Molly Ann - 18 months

Molly had her 18 month doctor appointment this morning (she was 18 months yesterday). Everything looked good! When I asked the doctor about her eating and drinking.....he said just to keep trying!!!!! As most of you know, Molly does not like sippy cups (and she only gets her one bottle a day before bedtime), and she has a "select" few foods that she eats. Hopefully, she grows out of this eating craziness soon!

Weight: 25.2 lbs. (70%)
Height:33.5 inches (95%)
Head:47 cm (70%)
To compare.....Kelly was 27.4 lbs. & 32 inchs at 18 months.

1 comment:

Kari said...

I just read in the Parenting magazine that kids prefer to eat what's familiar. So, parents need to put a new food on a child's plate for her to taste or at least look at, sometimes 8-15 times before she will eat it. Jaxon is a big fan of dips, so that helped too! Good luck!