Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fincel's Corn

I picked up some Fincel's corn this morning in Dubuque. It's only the second time that we have had it this year!!! :( Kelly had fun (and was very serious at times)....while helping Daddy shuck corn! She was so funny that she realized it was corn under all the "stuff"!!! Kelly LOVES corn....but she REALLY LOVES corn on the cob! She ate two entire ears...all by herself....and then Daddy wasn't finished with his second ear yet, so she took some of his too!!!!
Helping Daddy shuck corn......and realizing it's hard to pull this "stuff" off!!!
Realizing it's CORN....under all that stuff!!!
So serious.....getting all the "hair" off the corn!
This corn is yummy! I ATE TWO WHOLE EARS!!!

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