Friday, February 15, 2008

A tragic day!!!

I don't know how many of you have had kids be EXTREMELY attached to something!!! Well, Kelly is that way with her blanket. I have washed it before, but always found a way to sneak it into the washer without Kelly realizing it. It was very dirty....and even got run over with the stroller yesterday! It needed to be washed. Kelly followed me to the laundry room this time and once she realized her blanket was in the SCARY washing machine, it was MELTDOWN CITY! I have never heard such a SAD cry in my life. Needless to say, Kelly and I spent almost a couple hours hanging out in the laundry room too. She wouldn't leave her blanket!!!!
Pointing to her blanket in the washer!!! (If you notice, her M&M's are in her hand again...they are the only thing that would stop her from crying....but they didn't last the entire time her blanket was being washed and dryed).
Waving bye-bye to her was very tragic when we shut the top of the washer!
During the drying cycle....I think we opened the dryer about 10 times....just to check to make sure the blanket was ok! Kelly is touching the blanet here, and it's still really wet!
All clean!!! Pulling the blanket out to safety!!!
"Yeah....I have my blanket back....I'm not letting this go!!!"
Life is good again! Kelly is laying in the living room watching Elmo!!! It was very tiring watching her blanket get washed and dryed!!! (With lots of SAD crying in between)

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