Thursday, January 31, 2008


I was cleaning out my closet today while Kelly took a nap and I found these Elmo slippers that I had in college (yes, I had big Elmo slippers in college!) Elmo rates pretty high in Kelly's life theses days. She loves watching Sesame Street!!! So, when Kelly woke up, she thought they were the coolest slippers ever! She went and got her duck slippers so we would both have FUN slippers! I tried to get Kelly Elmo slippers but they were all out of her size and everything is now clearanced out so I couldn't get her any! :( She didn't mind, she just wore Mommy's!!!
Kelly's duck slippers and Mommy's Elmo slippers!
Kelly kissing my Elmo slipper while it's on my foot!
Kelly put her doll down for a nap...and Elmo got to be by her side!
After Elmo and her doll are finished in their little pack-n-play, Kelly thinks it's her turn!

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