I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! We had a fun day planned for the girls.....but it started a little too early as Miss Kelly woke up at 5:30am! She normally is up by 6am....but those extra 30 minutes are precious! She was VERY excited for Valentine's Day! She was dressed and ready for school BEFORE 6am! (We set our her clothes the night before to limit the picking and choosing in the mornings!) Brian and I get out of bed at 6am and Kelly says "Happy Valentine's Day Mom & Dad.....Mommy, do you want to take a picture of me since I am so cute!?!?!" See the picture below.....you can still tell it is COMPLETELY dark outside!
Anyway, Kelly went to school at 8am with her Disney Princess Valentine treat bags all ready to go for the class party! While I was volunteering at school, Molly had her own party at Lynnie's house where she got to take her Sesame Street Valentine treat bags for her friends. Both girls had a great time at their parties! Molly and I came home and made cut-out heart shaped sugar cookies for a treat when everyone got home! After Molly's nap and Kelly got home from school......Daddy was home as he got off a few hours early yesterday. We took a family walk...since the weather was beautiful.....mid 40's, came home and went to Happy Joe's for their Valentine's Day special.....a heart shaped pizza, pitcher of pop, and two sundaes for $14! The girls played some games and were pretty good at the restaurant. We came home, got PJ's on and Grandma and Papa Snyder stopped up to give the girls (AND US!) Valentine's Day presents. THANKS A LOT! What a wonderful family day!

Kelly showing off her Valentine's Day dress at 6:00am, while it is still DARK outside!!!

Molly on Valentine's Day with all her Sesame Street friends sitting in her chair!!!!!
She loves ALL of them....Cookie Monster, Elmo, Abby, and Ernie!

Molly and I made cut out HEART sugar cookies for a treat when Kelly and Daddy got home and for Molly after her nap! She LOVED helping me in the kitchen WITHOUT her sister! She was such a good helper!
BUT....she differs from her sister in the fact she DOESN'T want to lick the beaters!!!!!

Daddy pulling the girls at the beginning of our walk. Kelly really wanted to ride her bike, but we told her she couldn't because there were puddles everywhere with all the snow melting.

The girls had fun being pulled in the wagon.

Our Valentine's Day presents from the girls.....I love them both!!!
Molly made a heart person at Lynnie's &
Kelly made her handprints and cut out the pink heart and it says...
"Hands that hold our hearts!"
Love, Kelly