Saturday, July 23, 2011

British Soccer Camp

Kelly attended the British Soccer Camp in Dyersville this past week....and she LOVED IT! She won a scholarship to attend the camp for FREE....which I loved! It was my last week of Loras Sports Camp, so we were lucky that her friend Ellie was going to soccer camp they picked her up and took her back to the babysitters every day! Thank God for great friends! Kelly had so much fun....she came home on Monday after the first day and showed us dribbling, side kicks, toe tops, how to kick the ball, and told us some of the rules! It was amazing at how much she got out of ONE DAY! (Plus, it was over 100 degrees that that's pretty amazing she learned that much in those conditions!) She really enjoyed soccer. About mid-week she told me that she loved soccer....but swimming was still her favorite, then T-Ball, and finally gymnastics. Last night she told me she liked soccer better than swimming! It was a really FUN week for her!!! They played Monday-Friday from 8:00-9:30am....and hour and a half of fun! I'm excited for Kindergarten soccer to start in the middle of August! I can't wait to see her I was unable to make the scrimmage on the last day of camp...since I had to be at my last day of camp too!

Kelly and Coach Dave
(Every camper received a t-shirt and ball too!)
Ellie & Kelly
My little soccer star!
Ellie, Coach Dave, and Kelly
Kelly's evaluation!!!
It says...
Kelly has been an absolute pleasure at camp this week. She has worked so hard and put 100% into every task. She has LEARNT (love the British touch) lots of new soccer skills and should keep practicing. Thank you for such a good week. Well done!

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