Friday, May 13, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Kelly finished up the second session of swim lessons on Wednesday. She has been taking lessons for 10 weeks straight on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Loras Pool in Dubuque. She LOVES the water! She has learned a lot....and already was asking to go swimming today as we drove by the pool. I LOVE......that my daughter LOVES SWIMMING!!!
Kelly with Emily on her last day of lessons.
Jumping in the water....Kelly would do this all day! She started the lessons 10 weeks ago jumping in....and still LOVES IT! But...
...during lessons she learned to jump from the block into a noodle ring....
...and she learned how to tread water...
...and learned how to streamline...
....and float on her back and front...
...and how to DIVE too!
(She can dive from the wall a million times, but when she tries to jump and dive it just doesn't work for her! If Emily puts her hands or a noodle there, she will jump over it. It's wierd!)

She is my little swimming fish and I LOVE IT!

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