Friday, January 7, 2011

Kelly & Molly - Similar or Different?

I always thought it was going to be FUN having two girls! I never had a sister growing up, and I ALWAYS wanted one! For the past two years, Kelly and Molly have shown more ways they are different than how they are similar. Here are some examples….

Kelly has ALWAYS sucked her thumb (even during my ultrasound).

Molly loves her binki.

Kelly is outgoing. Even when she was little she said HI to everyone!

Molly is more cautious and sticks by people she knows as is comfortable with.

Kelly is our PRINCESS…..she has always loved accessories! (purses, bracelets, necklaces, rings, stick-on earrings, etc.) and wants to wear dresses DAILY!

Molly doesn’t care what she wears….and only wears accessories if her big sister MAKES her!

Kelly loves the color PINK.

Molly doesn’t have a favorite color.

Kelly was never a climber but has discovered it more through her little sister.

Molly has ALWAYS been a climber and has falling many times because of it!

Kelly is extra sensitive when it comes to physical pain. She will bump her elbow on a chair or have a simple hangnail and she will whine until a character band-aid (Princess, Hello Kitty, Strawberry Shortcake) makes it all better!

Molly will trip and fall so violently that she doesn't have to time to catch herself, hit her head on the hardwood floors, cry out for a split second and then get up and start running again. I have only used a band-aid once with her. (When she split her fingernail almost in half and it bleed for almost an hour!)

Kelly is independent and wants to do everything herself.

Molly wants Mommy or Daddy to do everything for her. She still WANTS to be carried all the time!

Kelly never really played with dolls or babies.

Molly has ALWAYS loved babies and won’t go to sleep without one!

Kelly like little chairs….if they were around.

Molly LOVES all little kid chairs!!! I mean REALLY LOVES THEM!

Molly wears glasses, Kelly doesn’t.

Molly ONLY eats a few things and pretty much LIVES on yogurt, Kelly isn’t the greatest eater….but has improved A LOT since starting preschool.

Molly is a Mommy’s girl…..Kelly doesn’t have a preference.


Both girls have always been attached to ONE blanket……and washing them has always been a crying match for as long as I can remember!

Both girls have blue eyes.

Both girls have my sweet tooth! L

Both girls have Brian’s EXTRA WIDE FEET!!!!!!!!!!!! L

That brings us to today…..I’m sure I missed a bunch of things, but those are they ones that just came to me as I was typing. In the past month (since Molly got used to her glasses)….the girls are REALLY PLAYING TOGETHER MORE! J Now, this is good and bad at times. When it’s good….it’s amazing! But…..of course they fight and bicker and don’t get along at times….so that’s the bad part. The girls enjoy playing Little People, coloring, wrestling, playing house, etc. Kelly was never really into playing with babies……but since Molly IS (and the fact she has a double stroller, bunk beds, and highchair) they play well together with all that now too. Since Kelly is in school from 8am-3pm on Mondays through Thursdays, the girls really play together great on Fridays when we are all home together…..which is nice. Last night was bath night. Both girls love taking baths!!! Molly got out first and I got her dressed and combed her hair. She then went to the living room to find Daddy. I got Kelly out, dressed, and combed her hair. She joined her sister and Daddy in the living room while I was cleaning up the bathroom. When I came out.....this is what I found!!!!!!

Kelly was combing Molly's hair!!!! Molly was just sitting there (holding her baby) watching Elmo before bedtime while her big sister was combing her hair! Too adorable!
This is at 8:30am this morning......Kelly is painting her toenails while Molly is watching closely!
(Yes, I painted Molly's toenails when Kelly was finished!)
Today is a good day.......yes, it's only 10am.....but they are getting along great so far!!!!


Kari said...

Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and hearing these stories! They are great sisters!

Berning Family said...

What a good idea to capture and preserve these memories now. The girls will love to read though them someday.

Sarah Bathan said...

I love this post! Can't wait to see you(and your sweet girls) soon!